Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sleeping flash effect

Yesterday, I mailed to Bob talking something about sleeping flash effect. lol.. it is my thought, which is lacking in scientific evidence.

I think our brain cells can be divided into two separated parts, one of then are working during the daytime, and another part of brain cells are working during night, when we are sleeping. Or in other words, some brain cells are active during day, and others are active during daytime and night.

What I want is to make full use of the cells those are active during night. I model the sleeping as three phases: 1, pre-processing, which is the time you are going to sleep but still not sleep. We always have this time, when we go to bed and lie down, we usually think something interesting or recollect something that happened today. we call this pre-processing, if we use this time to think about some problem and try to find the solution, which is a warm-up activity. 2 solving. During this process, we are sleeping with some brain cells still working on the problem we input during the pre-processing. The night-working brain cells are extremely clever than the daytime-working brain cells in some sense. And they may solve some problems that we can't solve during the daytime, but the solution is not complete, just fragmentary materials which should be assembled. 3 post-processing. Ok, now it is time to wake up. But it is really hard for us to wake up everyday, we can utilize this period to collect the fragmentary solution materials and assemble them to a complete solution.

If we can form this habit, I think it will be quite helpful for human beings' evolutionary.

Finally, I have to make a statement that all above is a farrago of nonsense, just for fun...

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