Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Remind your youtube tag

From GamingYoutube.com

Those of us that regularly upload and promote videos on YouTube are well aware of how difficult it has become in the past few months to drive views to our views. At least, a lot more difficult than it used to be. Still profitable? Certainly. That is, of course, if you can even get your videos to stick.

Many YouTube marketers have been experiencing problems with their videos being removed within minutes after uploading. In some cases, the video will go live for 20-30 minutes, and then get removed once again. Why is this?

With the normal routine process of elimination, you can try different things, different video editing techniques, different content, but you may find you’re still having the same problem.

Occasionally, I correspond with Liam Bowers, a very knowledgeable internet marketer, about these very challenges. In a recent email, Liam shared with me his latest insight on the problem of videos being removed after a brief run, and he agreed to let me share it with you:

YouTube seems to be detecting a pattern in frequently used combinations of description / title / tags, regardless of what the video content actually contains. For example, I have a very reliable set of tags I can use that gets me good, sustained traffic immediately for a particular niche. But I suppose I’ve now uploaded so many videos with these tags and my URL, that YT has detected a pattern and is automatically deleting the account (how they justify this, I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything about this documented and don’t know how it relates to the TOS, because it really doesn’t seem to be related to the video content)

I talked to the affiliate manager and he confirmed a lot of people are having similar problems.

If I put a random set of tags and my URL in the description, no problem. But this can be very hit or miss, in terms of getting views.

Anyway, I can still use the old faithful tags, but I can’t put a URL ANYWHERE in the description (at first) or it will get deleted within 20 to 30 minutes. The video starts getting traffic as usual…However, after I check back an hour later or so, if the video is still alive, I can alter the description to re-include the URL and it stays up with no problem. Apparently, whatever algorithm is looking for a pattern only does it once when the video is uploaded.

Well, there you have it. It seems title text, description, and keyword tags may very well be getting your videos flagged shortly after processing. This means you’ll have to get creative with the way you tag your videos, since the YouTube traffic you receive still depends heavily on your keyword usage.

Take Liam’s advice. Apply it and see if it improves the success rate of your uploads. Please feel free to share your own results here!

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