Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Taken on UMass Commencement day

It was ten days ago...

Umass commencement day...since Amherst is a university town, when commencement day comes, it seems more people than ever...This video clip is taken when we was passing Mullins center..a lot of students and their parents outside...

The other video clip is taken on the way to waltmart, it is very common American scene, just because it is common, I took it...maybe several years later when I am back China, I will be really like this scene...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Seasons - almost a year in Amherst

Since last August, I have been Amherst for almost a full year. These photos were taken during the last months. From summer, to autumn, to winter, to current spring, if I never take these photos, I even don't notice how time flies. If I never take these photos, I even can not remember these changing weathers, and beautiful memories. Anyway, wish the following days of the first year at Amherst, I can have a research harvest. Hope my research result would turn to a paper published... So I can enjoy American summer happily.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

about beef titi

1.选 2.腌 3.火侯,三道工序,都会影响炒肉片的嫩老。 

嫩质牛肉适合炒肉片,火锅. 如用于炖,烧.则嚼如木屑.
老质牛肉适合炖,烧. 如用于炒肉片,火锅 .则嚼如皮筋.

餐馆炒牛肉片大多选用: 里脊 Tenderloin,Porterhouse,T Bone, 外脊 Rib eye, 米龙
Top Sirloin,($12-5/lb)。

我曾试用过Round(后腿肉$2.49),结果口感嫩老和风味相差甚远。也试用过 Chuck(前腿

具体做法:牛肉切片时 看清肌肉纹理,横截纤维,下刀切片。按照菜谱把调味料伴入牛肉
笔者不赞成放苏打粉Baking Soda破坏风味.可酌情加些嫩肉粉 Meat Tenderizer,其主

3. 火侯:中火热油,下牛肉片(主料)划散,至变色立即出锅。


========== 腰 腹 部 分(质嫩) === 适合炒肉片,火锅 ==================
Tenderloin (Short loin) $8-12/lb.里脊 ............. (脊骨内侧(腹侧)条肉)
Porterhouse(Short loin) $5-12/lb.里脊,外脊 ........ (臀腰部脊骨背侧肉)
T Bone ... (Short loin) $5-10/lb.里脊,外脊 ........ (胸腰部脊骨背侧肉)
Strip loin (Short loin) $5-10/lb.嫩腰(诈称里脊) ... (二侧腰肉)
Rib eye ......... (Rib) $5-10/lb.上脑,外脊(诈称里脊)(胸部背脊肉,略肥)
Top Sirloin . (Sirloin) $4-8/lb. 米龙(诈称里脊) ... (盆骨后肌,近腰臀肉)
Tir-tip ..... (Sirloin) $4-8/lb. 三岔肉 ........... (盆骨前肌,近腹腿肉)
Hanger ........ (Flank) $2-6/lb. 牛腩 ............. (胸腹隔肌)
Flank, Skirt .. (Flank) $2-6/lb. 牛腩,腰窝 ........ (下腹肌)

========= 后 腿 部 分(较老,瘦)=== 适合:烤,酱,卤 ==================
Rump ......... (Round) $2-5/lb. 后腿,仔盖,臀尖 ... (近腿臀肉)
Sirloin tip .. (Round) $2-5/lb. 后腿,粗和尚头 .... (大腿前伸肌)
Eye round .... (Round) $2-4/lb. 后腿,榔头肉 ...... (大腿肚内芯)
Top Round .... (Round) $2-4/lb. 后腿,仔盖,底板肉 . (大腿肚)
Bottom Round . (Round) $2-3/lb. 后腿,黄瓜肉,腱子肉 (大腿肚近膝)

======== 肩 胸 (前腿) 部分 (质老,略肥) === 适合:炖,红烧,酱,卤 ==========
Blade .... (Chuck eye) $2-5/lb. 上脑,前烧 . (近頸脊背肉,质较嫩)
7 Bone ....... (Chuck) $1-3/lb. 前烧,牛肩肉 (肩背肉)
Shouder ...... (Chuck) $1-3/lb. 前烧,牛肩肉 (肩臂肉)

========== 肘子, 胸口 (质极老) === 适合:炖,红烧,酱,卤 =================
Shank ... $2-3/lb. 肘子,蹄胖,牛腱子 . (前后小腿,瘦)
Plate ... $2-3/lb. 弓扣,牛筋肉,牛腩 . (上腹肌,瘦)
Brisket . $1-2/lb. 胸口,奶脯,牛筋肉 . (胸脯肉,肥)